Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Disney World :Part 1

Where to start???

Disney World was amazingggg!!!!!!!!!
Really, but really, AMAZING!!!

First, we got to stay at a really nice hotel called Animal Kingdom Lodge. Our hotel had an African theme. Everyone who worked there was from someplace in Africa. In the lobby there were was alot of African art . There were also glass display cases which  had  musical instruments and artifacts. They even played African music through out the whole hotel! In the lobby there were African story tellers. They would talk about where they were from and all about their lives there. That was my favorite part. From our room we could see many animals, such as giraffes, gazelles, and zebras. In the morning when we woke up the animals would just be starting to wake up too.


                                                                                   Animal Kingdom Lodge







    From Left to right: Sebastian, (my brother), Isabella , (my sister), and ME! Diego

The Beach!!

The Beach!

When we first got to Mexico, my mom rented a place on the beach. There was also a pool. We would homeschool in the morning and as soon as we finished lunch, we would run down to the beach!!
My favorite thing to do on the beach was to look for fish. We even caught some in our bucket. Of course we let it go after. We also found starfish, hermit crabs, and seashells.

Looking for fish!

 We caught a fish!!


Hermit crabs and shells

My little sister Isabella making a sand angel.

Hello! Hola!!

Hello! Hola!
Well as you can see, I am not in Kelowna, BC anymore! My family and I have come down to Mexico so my mom can open a business. I have so much to write about that I have decided to break it down for you. I am going to post about a few of the more exciting things!!

1. Beach
2, Disney World
3. New room
4, Art
5. Waiting for Pi
6. What?? !!??
7. Swimming lessons..ohhh the pain!

Stay tuned!!

Monday, May 11, 2015

  Hello, It’s been a long time since I've last blogged, but now I’m back and I’m going to blog about me baking by myself for the first time! I know, I’m eleven and I’ve still have not baked by myself.
  So, enough with that, let’s start talking about my first day of baking!
But first, here is the stuff you'll need:

-1 Duncan Hines Rainbow Cake Mix
-1 Mixing bowl
-1 cup water or milk [I used water because I’m lactose intolerant]
-1/2 cup vegetable oil
-3 eggs
-Cake pan or muffin pan of your choice (If you’re making cupcakes, remember that you need cupcake liners! Also note that this makes 24 cupcakes!)
Now that all of the stuff you need is out, put all of the mix, the water,(or milk) vegetable oil and eggs  in the mixing bowl and stir  until it's all mixed. Now put it in the cupcake liners or straight in the cake pan. Pour mix in, about ¾ of the way up.
Preheat the oven to 350'c. If you’re making cupcakes, put the liners in the muffin pan than pour it in each one.
 Now put it in the oven for about fifteen minutes. Enjoy!


Wednesday, March 11, 2015

 Hello my name is Diego, I haven't done a blog in a long time. Today I'm going to blog about Disneyland.
 The first thing that my family and I did was go to the pool with a water slide! At first I was scared, but my mom convinced me to do it, so I went....again, and  again, and again, until we had to go back to our room to change. After we did some walking, we went to bed.
 The next day, we hit the parks, and once again I was scared, of the Disney characters! I had lots of fun visiting all of the cool places and watching the parades and fire works. I want this blog to have lots of pictures, so until next time, have a good day!

Its made out of lego! #3
Me.. finally going on the slide #2
My family and I at Disneyland #1
Im still a little scared of them! #4

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

 On November 26, 2014 ,I went to a Science center in Vernon, and my brother and older sister went to dissect a frog.(I did not take many pictures of the frog because it looked gross)
We had to run inside because of a heavy snowfall, but once we got in, we went down some stairs and put the plastic covered frogs on a table.My older sister pinned her frog, as well as my brother.They started to cut open the frog, and after a few pictures, I went with my little sister and as well as my mom to go look at some other things in the Science center. 
went on a plane with my baby sister, and we had so much fun!
After, I went in a dark room that said:"Catch Your Shadow!".My baby sister came in as well, and after a few seconds, it made a loud sound and...Flash!When I turned around, my baby sister was gone!I Went  to the door and I spotted my sisters fingers closing the door!
After, we played with a few more things and went to check out some other things in the main room.we saw an iguana as well as a water system game.After, my mom got everyone else and we all went upstairs to a space room.My  two sisters, both put some space cloths on. After all after that,we went back home. Best Science center ever!

My sister and my brother                                                               ewww!They open it up     
pin the frog                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             

                               Looks like she  discovered something!
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Watch out!You are going to                                        crash!                                                                                                                


I think shes too young for that!

Friday, November 21, 2014

I am going to review a restaurant called "The New Keg".I went there yesterday, November 20th, 2014, for my sister Alley's 17th birthday. 
The New Keg is located in kelowna B.C. I like this restaurant because it has great service and I really like the food.
I had tacos as my appetizers, and ribs and fries as my main meal.
(I also took a picture of the kids menu burger sliders.)
I took some really nice selfies and pictures.This is one of my most favorite restaurants ever!
I got really stuffed  after eating, and I could not finish my meal, so I packed it to go.
I rate this a four star restaurant!****

**For a full menu, allergy guide, and nutritional information go to :                           http://www.kegsteakhouse.com/


I get my appetizers...

Love it!

                   Those look good...but mine looks better!....        
                                                        Now lets eat!.......

 Tastes so good!.....

                                       So full!