Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Disney World :Part 1

Where to start???

Disney World was amazingggg!!!!!!!!!
Really, but really, AMAZING!!!

First, we got to stay at a really nice hotel called Animal Kingdom Lodge. Our hotel had an African theme. Everyone who worked there was from someplace in Africa. In the lobby there were was alot of African art . There were also glass display cases which  had  musical instruments and artifacts. They even played African music through out the whole hotel! In the lobby there were African story tellers. They would talk about where they were from and all about their lives there. That was my favorite part. From our room we could see many animals, such as giraffes, gazelles, and zebras. In the morning when we woke up the animals would just be starting to wake up too.


                                                                                   Animal Kingdom Lodge







    From Left to right: Sebastian, (my brother), Isabella , (my sister), and ME! Diego

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