Friday, November 21, 2014

I am going to review a restaurant called "The New Keg".I went there yesterday, November 20th, 2014, for my sister Alley's 17th birthday. 
The New Keg is located in kelowna B.C. I like this restaurant because it has great service and I really like the food.
I had tacos as my appetizers, and ribs and fries as my main meal.
(I also took a picture of the kids menu burger sliders.)
I took some really nice selfies and pictures.This is one of my most favorite restaurants ever!
I got really stuffed  after eating, and I could not finish my meal, so I packed it to go.
I rate this a four star restaurant!****

**For a full menu, allergy guide, and nutritional information go to :                 


I get my appetizers...

Love it!

                   Those look good...but mine looks better!....        
                                                        Now lets eat!.......

 Tastes so good!.....

                                       So full!

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

I am excited to show my daily life. Lots of fun stuff happens in my life. So all of my posts will be very exciting and adventurous, so I hope that each are as exciting as the last.
Now I am going to talk about my life. I am in ballet and I am liking my classes with my teacher Mr.Chris...alot! I am not the best in my class, but I do progress very well, and I am very good at remembering the steps.
I am very artistic and I love to draw.
I have one older brother, two older sisters and one younger sister. From oldest to youngest, they are: Sarah, Alley, Sebastian, me, (Diego), and Isabella.
I will post photos soon.

Until next time,

Day 1

Well here I go! I am starting a blog!!!